作者:        发布时间:星空体育-04-19        点击数:






 My lecture will cover the basic concepts in immunology including vaccination & the history of immunology; innate and adaptive immune systems; immunological specificity & memory; and the concepts of 'self/non-self' & 'self-tolerance'. I will present the immune system as a beautifully integrated network of information coordination: receiving and integration. The immune system is a network of cytokines, cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” invaders. Finally, I will give an overview of principles of cancer immuno-therapy, and our study on how the HIV-1 virus over-smarts the host immune system to persist and to cause AIDS.


 Dr. Lishan Su is Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his B.S. degree in Microbiology from Shandong University, his Ph.D. degree in Virology from Harvard University, and did his post-doctoral training in Stem Cell Biology/Immunology at Stanford University. He worked as a research/senior scientist at SyStemix/Sandoz (Novartis), focusing on HIV-1 pathogenesis and HSC-based gene therapy in humanized mice and in patients. Since 1996, he has been a faculty member in the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and Professor in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He has been an adjunct professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) since 2003 and at Jilin University since 2013. His laboratory studies virology, human immunopathology and therapy of chronic HIV and HBV infection and cancer development in humanized mouse models and in human patients. In addition, his groups are developing novel therapeutics to treat persistent human virus infection and cancer.




1982 年毕业于山东大学生物系微生物学学士(BS/77 级);1982.2-1982.9 中国科学院微生物 研究所硕士候选人;1982-1989 赴美于哈佛大学获病毒学博士学位(第一期 CUSBEAHSV-1 病毒学)。19891993年在斯坦福大学从事博士后研究(免疫学和造血干细胞)。1993年至 1996 年在 SyStemix/Sandoz (Novartis/诺华) 公司任高级研究员(HIV 致病机制和艾滋病基因 治疗)。1996 年至今在美国北卡大学教堂山分校任教,现为医学院微生物学及免疫学系教授。 近十年来实验室在 NIH等基金机构获数千万美元项目资助。至今已发表学术论文一百余篇。  




2) HIV-1/HBV的免疫发病(艾滋病/肝硬化-肝癌)机理和免疫治疗研究;

3) 用人源化小鼠模型研究人类造血干细胞和肝脏干细胞发育,癌变机理。



1982-1985   Harvard Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (中美生物化学 CUSBEA联合项目)

1989-1992   Postdoc Fellow of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Stanford

1989-1992   Fellow of the Irvington Institute for Medical Research

1997-1999   March of Dimes Basil O’Connor Scholar Award

1998-2002   Jefferson Pilot Award

2003-2008   中国科学院海外百人计划专家。

2012-     Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

2008-     中国科学院海外评审专家。  




访问教授:2008.9-2008.12/日本京都大学(Kyoto University)

访问教授:2009.1-2009.3MIT新加坡国立大学联合中心(MIT- NUS AllianceSMART

客座教授:2013-至今/吉林大学医学院转化医学中心海外免疫学团队(Jilin University)

2013-   Founder and Board of Director, New Paradigm Biosciences (新加坡/波士顿/珠海)

      最后修改日期: 星空体育-04-19
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